INVeg Membership & Donations

IMG_9666An annual Membership is only $20 per person or $35 per family (see donation amounts at the bottom of this page). Your money helps us as a non-profit organization pay for vegan education and community events such as our annual Spokane VegFest. All funds go directly towards: outreach materials, booth and fair fees, rental and speaker fees for our monthly vegan potlucks and presentation, Spokane Vegfest, Plant-Powered Living Classes/presentations, and everything else we do. In return, you will receive a discount card for various vegan-supportive businesses in Spokane, listed below, and the peace of mind that your money is supporting compassionate education.

Buy an INVeg membership

Click donate and choose the amount you would like to donate. $20/individual membership or $35+ for family membership. Please note that you are ordering a membership in the notes when checking out. You may pick up your membership card at our monthly potlucks or other INVeg event.

Choose Donation Amount Below

Non-Profit Status: We are a 501c3 so all donations are tax deductible. Our 501c3 number is: 47-3146311

Current Business Discounts:
Boots Bakery – 10% order total
24 W. Main Ave. Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 703-7223

Allie’s Pizzeria and Cafe – $1 off one pizza
4803 N Nevada St, Spokane, WA 99207 (509) 321-7090

Neato Burrito – $1 off a burrito
827 W 1st Ave, Spokane, Washington 99201 (509) 847-1234

Red Dragon – 10% off total order
3011 E. Diamond Ave, Spokane, WA 99217 (509) 483-6700

Stella’s – 10% off total order
917 W Broadway Ave, Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 326-6475

Top Of India – 10% off total order. Excludes Takeout and Buffet.
11114 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 927-0500

Saranac Public House – 10% off total order.
21 Main Ave, Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 473-9455

Checks made out to Inland Northwest Vegans (please put “Membership” on Notes portion) can be mailed to PO Box 40052, Spokane, Washington 99220. If you prefer you may bring cash or check to us personally at our sign-in table at our monthly potlucks.

We now accept Donations through PayPal. You may use the button below to make a simple donation using your credit card/debit card or bank account.

Donation Amounts:

0-$19.99:  1 Time Donation

$20-$34.99 year: Personal Membership (1  discount card)

$35-$100 year: Family Membership (2  discount cards)

$100-$249: Annual INVeg Silver Level Benefactor (4 discount cards)

$250+: Annual INVeg Platinum Level Benefactor (4 discount cards, your name and/or business on our website for a year, and an INVeg t-shirt)

Non-Profit Status: We are a 501c3 so all donations are tax deductible. Our 501c3 number is: 47-3146311

Buy an INVeg membership

Click donate and choose the amount you would like to donate. $20/individual membership or $35+ for family membership. Please note that you are ordering a membership in the notes when checking out. You may pick up your membership card at our monthly potlucks or other INVeg event.

Choose Donation Amount Below

Non-Profit Status: We are a 501c3 so all donations are tax deductible. Our 501c3 number is: 47-3146311